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Shawn Varner

Shawn Varner


Shawn Varner is the proud principal of Sandpiper Elementary School, a Spanish Dual Language Immersion school.

Before being named principal of Sandpiper, Mr. Varner was a principal in the Higley Unified School District in Gilbert, Arizona at a Mandarin Dual Language Immersive school.  Prior to his principalship in Higley Schools, Mr. Varner spent time as an assistant principal of activities and registration in Gilbert Public Schools.  Leading up to this, he was a dean of students/athletic director and an instructional specialist (grades 3-12) in the Chandler Unified School District.  He also had extensive AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) experience as a classroom teacher and as an AVID site coordinator while in Chandler.  During his time as a classroom teacher Mr. Varner also coached basketball, cross country and track and field. 

While in the Chandler Unified School District, Mr. Varner also received certification as a district wide trainer for Facilitative Leadership®.  He was part of a district team that initially trained district administrators and then began training sessions for teachers.  He was one of four in-house trainers in the district to receive training and become certified through Interaction Associates®.

Mr. Varner received his bachelor's degree in education, master's degree in curriculum and instruction, and  graduate program principal certificate all from Northern Arizona University.